PALMIERO CODE OF CONDUCT The company’s aim to grow further is driven by the high values of its intellectual heritage.
Palmiero lays its foundations on:
Palmiero always researches and produces new creations characterized by the brand's unique features.
Care for details and constant search for perfection are distinctive features of the brand, they are full expressions of Palmiero’s craftsmanship in the world.
The provisions included in this CODE OF CONDUCT represent an ethical model for all employees and suppliers of the company. At the heart of our work is compliance with laws and regulations on ethics, environmental and social matters, and more importantly, the implementation of these good practices in the form of concrete actions and behaviors.

Palmiero respects and supports the Declaration of Human Rights, acts in full respect of people and supports the continuous improvement of social and health conditions, which are fundamental factors to promote equality and individual freedom. In order to raise awareness towards the principles stated in this CODE OF CONDUCT, Palmiero encourages all employees and suppliers to show a responsible approach.

Our employees and collaborators represent a fundamental key to our success. We are aware that in order to provide the highest quality service, motivation and commitment of our employees are essential inside the company.

At Palmiero 
- There is no discrimination in the working and professional environment, as there is a great cultural heterogeneity inside the company
- There is no child labor, and it is not tolerated
- No one is forced to work
- We ensure an adequate salary to our employees in order to meet their needs
- We ensure equal work opportunities and gender equality
- We ensure health and safety to our employees

In line with the Diversity and Inclusion Policy, we are committed to ensure a diverse workforce. More particularly, the inclusion strategy is at the basis of the brand ideology: we pay particular attention to the development of women’s careers, as a consequence, women represent the majority in the company; we guarantee equal treatment to men and women in terms of remuneration and social benefits, and this contributes to the appreciation and respect of each individual. Palmiero guarantees equality in working life regardless of ethnicity, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, social factors, disability or trade union membership.

The strategic pillars on which we base our workforce are:
- Talent: we aim at expanding the diversity of our workforce and creating skills that contribute to our business and to our working community.
- Culture: we aim at creating an inclusive work environment in which employees feel involved in the business process.
The Palmiero family recognizes the importance of training future generations and works to engage more and more young people who want to approach the artisanal manufacturing of luxury jewellery. For this reason, the inclusion of new young talents is actively promoted, besides, we collaborate with many professional institutes, universities and local authorities. As a result, young trainees constitute an important part of the company workforce in terms of number.

Palmiero guarantees that all good practices of workplace safety are applied and respected. Any exposure to or contact with dangerous substances is prevented by storing and keeping anything potentially dangerous to health in suitable places.

As a family-run business, Palmiero is aware of the environmental and social challenges that the jewellery sector has to face, and therefore the company has always ensured that its activities are carried out in respect and in harmony with the surrounding ecosystem. We are aware that raw materials generate different environmental and social impacts, and thus we promote responsible sourcing of materials used along the supply chain, and monitor the activity of our suppliers.

- Transparency and traceability in diamond sourcing
We believe that the diamond sector may contribute positively to the economy and to the life of the communities involved in the diamond supply chain. We think that responsible sourcing may play a role in supporting and safeguarding human rights, by promoting equal and safe working systems, ecosystem protection and ethical business conduct. We guarantee the quality of all diamonds used in our creations and request that our suppliers comply with the standards set by the Kimberley Process. This agreement is regarded as the most important regulatory treaty for diamond mining to date, it guarantees that the diamonds are sourced in conflict-free areas, so that their trade does not favor or finance civil wars. In the same line, the Responsible Jewellery Council has established effective standards and codes of conduct for self-regulation in the jewellery sector.

Use of recycled and certified gold
The gold we buy complies with the standards set by the RJC Chain Of Custody, which defines the requirements for the identification and traceability of the materials used, such as recycled, screened and certified gold that comes from suitable recycled sources. In this way we reduce our environmental impact and contribute to protect natural resources. We guarantee that the gold used in our company fully respects the ethical standards as we refer exclusively to RJC and COC certified sources.